Diana Ellis
Currently in the second year, WOSDEC (www.wosdec.org), Glasgow City Council and Strathclyde University are working together on this exciting three year joint partnership project. This project enables WOSDEC and partners to:
- create new ‘Global Storylines’, where pupils explore challenging global issues within the safe forum of the fictional community that Storyline offers;
- train a cohort of teachers to implement a pilot of the Global Storylines and support their reflection and evaluation;
- provide evidence of positive impact on teachers, pupils and wider community to advocate that Global Storylines are used in all Glasgow Schools;
- build a cohort of confident mentor teachers to support future teachers through peer education beyond the scope of the project.
Last year sixteen primary teachers were involved in the piloting, reflecting and evaluating of the first two Global Storylines. These were The Giant of Thistle Mountain (Level 1 CfE), which explores peace and conflict, and The Water Source (Level 2/3 CfE) which examines interdependence and sustainability.
This year, eighteen primary teachers and four secondary teachers will continue to trial the revisions to last year’s Global Storylines and begin the process of piloting, reflecting and evaluating two more Global Storylines. These new storylines are: Our Food, Our World (Level 1 CfE) which investigates fair-trade and organic farming, and The Farming Community (Level 2 CfE) which explores the issues of food security and land grabbing. For more information contact diana.wosdec@btconnect.com