This leaflet has been produced in Norway by a Storyline team in Vestfold College of Education to inform about the principles behind Storyline and giving the reasons for using it as an educational strategy. It is also used to advertise the variety of Storyline courses being presented by members of staff at the college. Vestfold, ...
Can Storyline help bridge the gap between the generations? The answer is most certainly,’Yes! This was impressively demonstrated when teachers from Ringstabekk skole in Norway last Monday met up with Pip Tench and Ged Stanton at St. Thomas Moore High School in Newcastle, England. We got to see several examples about how young pupils were mixed ...
Knut-Rune Olsen and Liv Torunn Eik, have written this Storyline teaching material about the Save the Children organisation in Sri Lanka and Ethiopia. All children have the right to go to school! That is the message they want to get across and in their opinion Storyline designs can help to motivate children’s learning with the ...
A new Norwegian book has just been published which describes Storyline as experienced by members of staff at Ringstabekk skole in Bærum, Oslo. Ringstabekk has been a Project school since the early 70s and it is only in recent years that they have been experimenting with Storyline as a strategy for their teaching. The book ...
A lively debate has been stimulated by a paper written by Nina Goga, published in the Teachers’ Journal, Norsklæreren No 1 2001. In it she details her rather critical views of the Storyline approach. This has encouraged a lively debate that has resulted in two further articles being published. The first written by Knut-Rune Olsen ...
Helena Moreau and Steve Wretman, editors of the Skolbarn journal have produced a new Storyline resource in Swedish. It is called Storyline, Känslor,respekt,struktur, is published by Fortbildnings Förlaget 2001 ISBN: 91-7091-133-9
Svenska med sting. Didaktisk handledning med tyngdpunkt på modersmål, litteratur och drama. Anna-Lena Östern Utbildningsstyrelsen, 2001 ISBN- 952-13-1176-2 Svenska med sting är en inspirationsbok och en handledning för lärare och blivande lärare, i synnerhet för dem som arbetar som modersmåls- eller språklärare. Boken tar upp en mängd aspekter på svenska som modersmål, svenska språket, litteratur ...
An invitation from the Ministry of Education in Singapore led to a two week consultancy visit in February 2001. The Ministry has been introducing more integrated work through a project work team of Education Officers. These very talented young teachers and designers were my link with the school curriculum in Singapore. Their thorough preparatory work ...
It was through an invitation from Herdis Nødskov Sørensen, at that time a teacher in Aarhus, that the first contact was made with Lithuania. She and her husband Folmer had arranged an exchange programme with Noreikiskes School in Kaunas, the second largest city of Lithuania and were interested in organising a Storyline workshop with teachers ...
The first international Storyline Conference was held in Aalborg, Denmark from the 6th-8th of November 2000. For some years the EED-group (Now Storyline International) wished for an international conference. Since Denmark is the country where the approach is most successfully and widely used, and since Cecilie Falkenberg from the Danish Educational University (DPU) had the ...