Several important international conferences, held at Jordanhill College in the late 70s and early 80s helped the staff tutor team to make contact with educators who showed interest in Storyline as a strategy for integrating the curriculum. The Director of Inservice for Kennáraháskoli Íslands, Rósa Björk Þorbjarnardóttir, invited the Jordanhill tutors to present a Storyline ...
At the end of the 70s and in the early 80s course tours were presented in Gütersloh, Rheindalen, Münschen-Gladbach and Berlin at the invitation of the Service Children’s Education Authority. In 1979, as part of the exchange partnership between Jordanhill College and the University of Hamburg, I was a visiting lecturer for one month. During ...
The first connection with Finland was through Dr. Ria Heila-Ylikallio of the Faculty of Education in the Åbo Akademi in Vasa. She attended a short Storyline course in Jordanhill Campus around 1995 and became very interested on how the strategy could be adapted for teaching purposes in Finland. To develop this she arranged for a ...
A visit to Scotland by a group of teachers in the early 90s led by Thorben Johannesen, at that time an adviser in Tórshavn, resulted in the first Storyline course in the Faroe Islands. This was repeated two years later with Katrin Jacobsen and then again in the College of Education in Tórshavn in May 1999 ...
One of the earliest contacts in Denmark was Troels Johansen of Herning Seminarium through a Jordanhill conference in the late 70s. Because of that connection a number of visits and exchanges followed involving students, teachers and politicians. At this time Storyline was not a particular focus of study but rather a general pedagogical interest in ...
Doris Kocher Das Klassenzimmer als Lernwerkstatt Medien und Kommunikation im Englischunterricht nach der Storyline-Methode Hamburg 1999, 317 Seiten ISBN 3-86064-969-8
Cecilie Falkenberg and Sigrid Madsbjerg: Med venlig hilsen 3@, video on storyline in a 3 class. Dansklærerforening, Arentoft Film: Undervisningsministeriets Mediesektion DR-Åben, 1998
Creating Worlds, Constructing Meaning is the first U.S. book on Storyline, a revolutionary method for teaching content, integrating curriculum, and engaging students. Developed in Scotland over thirty years ago and now used in over a dozen countries, the Storyline method uses the power of story to create a meaningful, real-life context through which students learn ...