Minnesota State University, Mankato, USA I completed my doctorate through University of York in fall 2010. The topic was teachers’ innovations; I interviewed 22 teachers regarding their innovations and followed another 8 teachers (primary, secondary, and university) as they innovated with Storyline and repeated their Storylines. The teachers all found that there were many more ...
Circus “Zaretti” is currently visiting our school. There is a big circus tent on our football field! Ponys and goats are grasing in front of our classroom windows! While we are waiting to be invited to “Zaretti” to perform in our own real circus show, we are creating our own circus. We are making circus ...
Comenius Partnership Project Kinnaird Primary School has just completed its first year of a two year Comenius-funded partnership project with Herrhagsskolan, a primary school in Karlstad, Sweden and the Oslo Mottessori School, Norway. All three schools use the Storyline methodology as a framework to support inter-disciplinary learning and were keen to further develop their skills ...
Diana Ellis Currently in the second year, WOSDEC (www.wosdec.org), Glasgow City Council and Strathclyde University are working together on this exciting three year joint partnership project. This project enables WOSDEC and partners to: create new ‘Global Storylines’, where pupils explore challenging global issues within the safe forum of the fictional community that Storyline offers; train ...
Alison Campbell Throughout April, May and June, the 26 pupils in P6C at Lochside Primary School, Montrose, Scotland learned about Great Scots through the use of the Scottish Storyline Method. The aim of the project was to encourage the pupils to discover the numerous famous people that have come from Scotland, and for the pupils ...
Congratulations to Fiona McGarry, Lecturer in Education at Dundee University who designed a Storyline Unit as part of the B Ed programme and has been awarded a Highly Commended for Innovative Teaching from the College of Arts and Social Sciences at the University. Fiona, seen here on the right, was presented with her award on ...
Hathaway Brown, Cleveland, Ohio USA – Skutskar, Sweden For a period of five-months, classrooms in Cleveland, Ohio in the U.S.A. and Skutskar, Sweden shared a literature-based Storyline using the book Ronia the Robber’s Daughter by Astrid Lindgren. Mary Boutton, a teacher at Hathaway Brown School in Cleveland, Ohio, and Michael Haglof, a teacher at Alvboda ...
On May 21st of this year Bruce Lander gave a short presentation about Storyline to fellow foreign language instructors at an educational conference in Matsumoto, Japan. The main objective of Bruce’s talk in Matsumoto was to give an insight into the Storyline Approach, which for the most part is unheard of in the region. The ...
During 10 weeks from January-April 2011, 4th-graders at Älvboda friskola in Skutskär, Sweden and 2nd-graders at Hudson Elementary School in Hudson, Wisconsin in the USA shared a literature-based Storyline using the book “The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane” of Kate DiCamillo. Edward Tulane View Larger Map