Circus “Zaretti” is currently visiting our school. There is a big circus tent on our football field! Ponys and goats are grasing in front of our classroom windows! While we are waiting to be invited to “Zaretti” to perform in our own real circus show, we are creating our own circus. We are making circus ...
Simon Bower The teachers are having a good time here at Schule An der Gartenstadt in Hamburg working with Storyline. We have just had a project week storyline where the whole school worked with that approach. It was great! You will find some links to articles on our homepage below (but they are all in ...
Theresa Kuenzel, Karlsruhe, Germany The Storyline Method extended my opportunities in life – 16 fabulous weeks in a Scottish school My name is Theresa Künzel and I will be a teacher for Primary and Secondary Schools in Germany. I got to know the Storyline Method during my stay abroad at Halmstad University, Sweden 2007/2008. ...
Levantehaus, Hamburg Dr Jos Letschert, founding member of Storyline International and host to the first Golden Circle Seminar in 1989 held in Enschede, Holland, retired last year from his joint position as Professor at Twente University and Curriculum Designer at the SLO Institute for Curriculum Design in the Netherlands. Now he has entered a new ...
Kloster St Lioba, Freiburg, Germany Doris Kocher – Organiser 34 participants from 11 countries met in the very comfortable conference centre connected to the Convent of St Lioba in Freiburg. The outstanding feature of this Seminar was perhaps that there was a larger group of young teachers and a widening representation from new countries. Pauline ...
Links to News items from Hamburg – Simon Bower Link to website Fortbildung Storyline mit Steve Bell (in German) Link to website Newsflash Project (In English)
Steve Bell During the year 2008 three young international student teachers benefited from the Erasmus scholarships to do their practical teaching studies in Halmstad, Sweden. They were Sule Tepetas , from the University of Ankara in Turkey, Lea Nakrst from Slovenia and Theresa Kuenzel from Germany. The three became firm friends and discovered a mutual ...
Christina Roewe A day later a group of European Secondary teachers arrived in Glasgow. We also created a Storyline with the topic “Capital Tours”, but with the emphasis on Secondary teaching. The colleagues from Portugal, Spain, Rumania, Germany, Italy and Sweden had the chance to find out how the method Storyline works and motivates pupils ...
Task based teaching für die Arbeit mit heterogenen Lerngruppen, Martinshaus, Rendsburg This popular annual workshop course is organised by Gisela Ehlers of the Institute for Teacher training in Kiel. It attracts teachers of general subjects working in primary and secondary schools who also wish to teach English as a Second Language. The course started with ...