The Scottish Learning Festival organised by SETT was held in the Scottish Exhibition Centre in Glasgow over Wednesday and Thursday 22nd & 23rd September. This major event attracts thousands of educational professionals from all over the country and has the aim of preparing teachers for the challenges of tomorrow by helping them connect with major ...
Maria Davidsson and Kajsa Classon are two teachers from Örebro in Sweden, who teach children 6 -12 years old, at Almbro skola We got interested in Storyline when we heard a lecture about it in spring 2001. After that we searched for schools that worked with the method. We phoned Skolverket and asked them, and ...
Click for Animation STORYLINE, FEELINGS AND RESPECT To be really successful as teachers we know that it is not enough to know our subjects well and to be well prepared. Of course these are pre-requisites for success but other aspects have to be taken into consideration. Good teaching is about the quality of the partnership ...
As has been written in my introduction to this homepage Scotland is the home of Storyline. It was designed over thirty years by the Staff Tutor Team of the Inservice Department of Jordanhill College of Education which became the Faculty of Education for the University of Strathclyde in the mid 90s. Many lecturers and teachers ...
This name stands for Conservation And Development In Sparsely Populated Areas and is the title given to a research project supported by the Worldwide Fund for Nature and the Environmental Centre at Jordanhill Campus. Storyline was the vehicle used to affect the attitudes of young pupils in primary schools in the Highlands and islands of ...
Rendell, Fred: Topic Study, How and Why? Glasgow (Jordanhill College of Education). (No year of publication mentioned, most probably published between 1986 and 1989. The first monograph on Storyline – then called “topic study” – by one of the inventors of the approach still is one of the most concise introductions.)