New courses Erasmus+ for this summer and autumn. If you are interested to come, please help your school to design a concept for qualification and fill in the application forms for the funding. (about 95%-98% of all costs including the transport) More information: Erasmus1 Erasmus2
A class of sixteen Rockfield Primary School pupils experienced the life of the ancient drovers of Argyll when they drove a small herd of Highland cattle, cooked bannocks over an open fire, sang traditional songs and shared in the storytelling tradition. This experience was delivered completely in Gaelic. The trip was the pinnacle of the ...
Peter Geerdink and Simon Olbertijn 27th Nov. to 1st Dec. 2013 Following their successful organisation of a Mini Storyline Conference for the staff of the Universities in Stenden and Meppel in April this year Peter Geerdink and Simon Olbertijn asked Sallie Harkness and Steve Bell to design a programme for a three day study visit ...
On Monday 7th October Steve Bell and Sallie Harkness welcomed this year’s group of fifty students from Oslo University College accompanied by staff members Marit Storhaug and Jon Amundsen The Storyline presentation was held in the Pearce Institute in Govan where the Norwegians enjoy excellent facilities as well as learning something about the history of ...
Marie-Jeanne McNaughton The Global Storylines website is now up and running. Diana from WOSDEC has done an excellent job in getting this all together. Please have a look if you’re interested in education or the Scottish Storyline method.
Oslo University College Per Anders Aas & Siv Eie As part of a cultural study visit to Scotland 48 social science students from Oslo and Akershus University College attended a morning workshop in the Pearce Institute in Govan, Glasgow. The purpose of the course was to introduce them to Storyline thinking and the travel topic ...
Storyline Course in Maryhill Burgh Hall, Glasgow For the last 10 years Marit Storhaug of Oslo University College and her colleagues have brought groups of student teachers on a one week cultural visit to Scotland. As a part of their experience they attend a morning workshop on the Storyline approach presented by Sallie Harkness and ...
The Storyline Method – A helpful strategy for the foreign language classroom As in recent years the European Comenius grant enabled 11 German and Spanish English teachers to meet for a 10 day Storyline course in Glasgow. Run by the two storyliners Gisela Ehlers and Hannelore Tait from the Teacher Training Institute IQSH in Schleswig-Holstein ...
Engage with Strathclyde (University) – Thursday May 3rd 2012 This event which was held in the McCance Building provided a showcase for the work done in year 2 of the Global Storylines Project by WOSDEC in collaboration with Glasgow City Council and the University of Strathclyde. Sallie Harkness, Maureen Bell from St Charles Primary, Ruth ...
Comenius Partnership Project Kinnaird Primary School has just completed its first year of a two year Comenius-funded partnership project with Herrhagsskolan, a primary school in Karlstad, Sweden and the Oslo Mottessori School, Norway. All three schools use the Storyline methodology as a framework to support inter-disciplinary learning and were keen to further develop their skills ...