Christina Roewe A day later a group of European Secondary teachers arrived in Glasgow. We also created a Storyline with the topic “Capital Tours”, but with the emphasis on Secondary teaching. The colleagues from Portugal, Spain, Rumania, Germany, Italy and Sweden had the chance to find out how the method Storyline works and motivates pupils ...
The Comenius Summer Course in Glasgow Using Storyline for Teaching ESL Inga Riedel During the first week in August, a group of international primary teachers met in Strathclyde University, Glasgow, to find out more about the Storyline approach and its use in teaching English as a Second Language. In this special environment, we created the ...
The Storyline Teaching Method – Encouraging Children to Become Independent Learners On Tuesday 24th August 2010 Sallie Harkness and Steve Bell gave a presentation on Storyline as an educational approach to cross-curricular teaching at the Edinburgh International Book Festival. They were delighted to discover that there was a full house of 175 people, mostly teachers, ...
Lea Nakrst, a primary teacher in Slovenia, has created the first Storyline website in that country. She is hoping that it will prove to be a useful resource for her colleagues. Her first contact with Storyline was while she was studying at the University of Halmstad in Sweden. This impetus encouraged her to use it ...
Sallie Harkness, Storyline Scotland and Jeff Creswell of Storyline Design are busily engaged in presenting a two-day Storyline course to the Teachers in Hathaway Brown School in Ohio. Teachers there have been experimenting with the approach for some time and their interest in this pedagogy is demonstrated by the most attractive booklet which they have ...
This exciting new programme, the first of its kind in Scotland, offers students the opportunity to consider the central concerns of the field of children’s literature and literacy teaching in the light of new perspectives and offers the chance to deepen expertise in specialist areas. It affords course members the opportunity to take a literary ...
Spring Conference, Ankara University Prof. Dr. Gelengül Haktanır, Executive Committee Chair of the above association had come into contact with Storyline through the interest of her PhD student Sule Tepetas. While an Erasmus scholar working in teaching practice in Halmstad, Sweden, Sule had observed Storyline in action. She was attracted to the approach and decided ...
Steve Bell Avrupa College in Istanbul is a large and prestigious private educational institute linked to Kent State University in USA. Serkan Guney, Director of Curriculum Development in the College had spent some years in Denmark both as a child and as a student teacher and had thus come into contact with the Storyline Approach. ...
Samantha Todd, 3rd Year B.Ed student Moray House, Faculty of Education, Edinburgh University Working in Roseburn Primary School, Edinburgh This Storyline was designed as a study of the Scottish Parliament. The plan was that the pupils would use their existing knowledge of the parliamentary system and learn more within a structured role-play activity. They would ...