The conference attracted 250 delegates from 20 countries. It was sponsored by Glasgow Education Authority, Strathclyde University and Storyline International. A full report will be following to highlight the very positive response to the full programme. The organisers are greatly indebted to the many presenters for the high quality of all the presentations and the ...
17th – 24th October 2015 Gravesend, Kent, England During the course we will not only visit her memorial in Saint George’s church, Gravesend but we will have the opportunity to learn more about Pocahontas through a storyteller and a picture book aiming at young learners (language level A1/A2) through an historian who will ...
On the 3rd and 4th June 2013 Sinnington Community Primary School hall was converted into a street full of shops with busy chatty interaction between stall holders! Having been to many Storyline workshops in my time, I thought it only right that my staff should be trained by a ‘professional’ so with that in mind ...
Congratulations to Jill Wells, headteacher of Sinnington Primary School in North Yorkshire, on establishing a Storyline England website. Jill and her colleagues have been enthusiastic Storyline teachers for many years and I am sure this opportunity to share their experience will be welcomed by many other educators in England.
Ox Close Primary School, Spennymoor, Durham “Spennymoor Ox” was a community celebration of the history and contemporary use of Ox Close Community Garden adjacent to the primary school. It was designed to offer a lyrical evocation of the relatively recent but easily forgotten past and provide a permanent link to it. The Grand Opening took ...
Jill L Wells & Kathy Robson A new, exciting Storyline project involving three secondary schools and five primary schools is taking place in North Yorkshire, England at the moment. Inspired by an ‘Introduction to Storyline’ presentation run by Jill Wells, Kathy Robson, Subject leader and Assistant Headteacher at Lady Lumley’s School in Pickering, researched the ...
Congratulations Rhonda Mitchell-Barrett who will receive her doctorate in January Her thesis was based on an analysis of the Storyline method in primary school; its theoretical underpinnings and its impact on pupils’ intrinsic motivation. This study explored the relationship between the Scottish Storyline teaching method and pupils’ levels of motivation when engaged in a Storyline ...
Pip Tench and Ged Stanton went down to London last week together with older volunteers and a group of pupils from St Thomas More RC School because they had been shortlisted for the NOJO (Not Older Just Old) Award. The British Charity “Help the Aged” run this competition every year. Pip and Ged were nominated ...
In the photograph, from left to right, Sue Ellis, University of Strathclyde, who organised and chaired the UKLA Reading Focus Day with Dr Vivienne Smith and Steve Bell who were invited to make a presentation on Storyline and Critical Literacy. Storyline is essentially experiential and constructivist. It uses expressive arts and language to help children name, discuss, describe and explain their ...