Storyline Research Dear Storyliners, We are conducting a research project entitled “Storyline International: How a curriculum theory traveled internationally without governments, publishers, or researchers ” through South Dakota State University and Minnesota State University, Mankato. The purpose of the study is to better understand how a curriculum method spreads internationally when it is not advocated ...
Comenius Partnership Project Kinnaird Primary School has just completed its first year of a two year Comenius-funded partnership project with Herrhagsskolan, a primary school in Karlstad, Sweden and the Oslo Mottessori School, Norway. All three schools use the Storyline methodology as a framework to support inter-disciplinary learning and were keen to further develop their skills ...
Hathaway Brown, Cleveland, Ohio USA – Skutskar, Sweden For a period of five-months, classrooms in Cleveland, Ohio in the U.S.A. and Skutskar, Sweden shared a literature-based Storyline using the book Ronia the Robber’s Daughter by Astrid Lindgren. Mary Boutton, a teacher at Hathaway Brown School in Cleveland, Ohio, and Michael Haglof, a teacher at Alvboda ...
During 10 weeks from January-April 2011, 4th-graders at Älvboda friskola in Skutskär, Sweden and 2nd-graders at Hudson Elementary School in Hudson, Wisconsin in the USA shared a literature-based Storyline using the book “The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane” of Kate DiCamillo. Edward Tulane View Larger Map
Kloster St Lioba, Freiburg, Germany Doris Kocher – Organiser 34 participants from 11 countries met in the very comfortable conference centre connected to the Convent of St Lioba in Freiburg. The outstanding feature of this Seminar was perhaps that there was a larger group of young teachers and a widening representation from new countries. Pauline ...
Steve Bell During the year 2008 three young international student teachers benefited from the Erasmus scholarships to do their practical teaching studies in Halmstad, Sweden. They were Sule Tepetas , from the University of Ankara in Turkey, Lea Nakrst from Slovenia and Theresa Kuenzel from Germany. The three became firm friends and discovered a mutual ...
Christina Roewe A day later a group of European Secondary teachers arrived in Glasgow. We also created a Storyline with the topic “Capital Tours”, but with the emphasis on Secondary teaching. The colleagues from Portugal, Spain, Rumania, Germany, Italy and Sweden had the chance to find out how the method Storyline works and motivates pupils ...
The Comenius Summer Course in Glasgow Using Storyline for Teaching ESL Inga Riedel During the first week in August, a group of international primary teachers met in Strathclyde University, Glasgow, to find out more about the Storyline approach and its use in teaching English as a Second Language. In this special environment, we created the ...
This week we welcomed four teachers from Ringstabekk School in Oslo, Norway, who were on a study tour to Oregon. They have come to find out more about Storyline because they want to get it going again in their school and there are so many new teachers at the school who have not had a ...