The conference attracted 250 delegates from 20 countries. It was sponsored by Glasgow Education Authority, Strathclyde University and Storyline International. A full report will be following to highlight the very positive response to the full programme. The organisers are greatly indebted to the many presenters for the high quality of all the presentations and the ...
Steve Bell welcomed the delegates and spoke of each persons involvement with Storyline. Steve brought welcome to everyone from Sallie Harkness who was unable to attend. Ylva and Eva presented the history of their Storyline work in Sweden. Storyline was the most popular in the country up to 2008. Then school reform came with individual ...
Sharon Ahlquist of Kristianstad University, Sweden, who has successfully completed her PhD studies has used the evidence from that to produce this excellent book which will be of great interest to all Storyliners whether or not they are teaching a second language. ISBN:9789144081632
The 7th grade, worked on a sustainable market using the Storyline approach. The students sold homemade/locally produced organic cakes to former pupils, parents and staff. Everything was sold and 7C decided to donate a portion of profits to a school in Swaziland. The money was used to buy rulers and pencils for use in their ...
´Storyline: a task-based approach for the young learner classroom´ has been published by English Language Teaching Journal. The article is based on Sharon’s thesis in which she investigated the development of Swedish pupils’ communicative skills in English when they took part in Storyline, Our Sustainable Street. The photos shown here are taken from that study ...
An appreciation It was with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Sanna Ranweg on 7th November 2011 in Lulea, Sweden. She was only 53 but had experienced some years of ill health before her death. As a talented teacher, tutor and educational designer Sanna was one of the Storyline Sweden Team and ...
University of Kristianstad, Sweden It is with great pleasure that we announce that Sharon has been awarded a Doctorate in Education from the University of Leicester with a study called: The impact of the Storyline approach on the young language learner classroom: a case study in Sweden. The purpose of the study was to identify in what ...
Comenius Partnership Project Kinnaird Primary School has just completed its first year of a two year Comenius-funded partnership project with Herrhagsskolan, a primary school in Karlstad, Sweden and the Oslo Mottessori School, Norway. All three schools use the Storyline methodology as a framework to support inter-disciplinary learning and were keen to further develop their skills ...
Hathaway Brown, Cleveland, Ohio USA – Skutskar, Sweden For a period of five-months, classrooms in Cleveland, Ohio in the U.S.A. and Skutskar, Sweden shared a literature-based Storyline using the book Ronia the Robber’s Daughter by Astrid Lindgren. Mary Boutton, a teacher at Hathaway Brown School in Cleveland, Ohio, and Michael Haglof, a teacher at Alvboda ...
During 10 weeks from January-April 2011, 4th-graders at Älvboda friskola in Skutskär, Sweden and 2nd-graders at Hudson Elementary School in Hudson, Wisconsin in the USA shared a literature-based Storyline using the book “The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane” of Kate DiCamillo. Edward Tulane View Larger Map