In October, a group of 30 Norwegian student teachers from Oslo University College together with their two teachers Siv Eie and Marit Storhaug visited Glasgow. This is a part of a study program in history, geography and social studies. This was the 13th time the Norwegian teacher educators arranged this cultural study tour to Glasgow. ...
The conference attracted 250 delegates from 20 countries. It was sponsored by Glasgow Education Authority, Strathclyde University and Storyline International. A full report will be following to highlight the very positive response to the full programme. The organisers are greatly indebted to the many presenters for the high quality of all the presentations and the ...
On Monday 7th October Steve Bell and Sallie Harkness welcomed this year’s group of fifty students from Oslo University College accompanied by staff members Marit Storhaug and Jon Amundsen The Storyline presentation was held in the Pearce Institute in Govan where the Norwegians enjoy excellent facilities as well as learning something about the history of ...
Oslo University College Per Anders Aas & Siv Eie As part of a cultural study visit to Scotland 48 social science students from Oslo and Akershus University College attended a morning workshop in the Pearce Institute in Govan, Glasgow. The purpose of the course was to introduce them to Storyline thinking and the travel topic ...
Storyline Course in Maryhill Burgh Hall, Glasgow For the last 10 years Marit Storhaug of Oslo University College and her colleagues have brought groups of student teachers on a one week cultural visit to Scotland. As a part of their experience they attend a morning workshop on the Storyline approach presented by Sallie Harkness and ...
Comenius Partnership Project Kinnaird Primary School has just completed its first year of a two year Comenius-funded partnership project with Herrhagsskolan, a primary school in Karlstad, Sweden and the Oslo Mottessori School, Norway. All three schools use the Storyline methodology as a framework to support inter-disciplinary learning and were keen to further develop their skills ...
Anna-Lena Østern and Alex Strømme Combining art and science through the Scottish Storyline Method in explorations of themes connected to water locally, nationally and globally. 4 tutorials for teachers and teacher educators. More information >
Kumi Tømmerbakke Løkeberg School has established a tradition of carrying out a Storyline in English in year 5. Norwegian pupils start English in the first year of school. By the time they are in year 5 Løkeberg pupils are often familiar with Storyline from using the method in other subjects. The Storyline used in year ...
Marit Storhaug & Knut Age Teigen On February 10th March 2011 the Police Academy in Oslo was the scene of a mini-storyline about “Conflict tackling in a multicultural society”. The storyline was part of an inservice course for police officers from different parts in Norway and the course holders were Marit Storhaug from the Teachers ...