Several important international conferences, held at Jordanhill College in the late 70s and early 80s helped the staff tutor team to make contact with educators who showed interest in Storyline as a strategy for integrating the curriculum. The Director of Inservice for Kennáraháskoli Íslands, Rósa Björk Þorbjarnardóttir, invited the Jordanhill tutors to present a Storyline course for the first time in 1981 and there have been regular visits ever since, many organised by Guðmundur Kristmundsson. He was the organiser of a course in Akureyri in 1987 which was the subject of a published report for the Council for Cultural Co-operation of the Council of Europe written by Steve Bell.
Two educators, Björg Eiriksdóttir, a teacher in Kópavogur and Rósa Eggertsdóttir an adviser in Akureyri have used Storyline as a special study for their Masters’ degrees, the former at Jordanhill and the latter in Cambridge. Two teachers have also taken postgraduate Diplomas using Storyline, Maria Steingrimsdóttir and Sigrun Guðmundsdóttir.
Björg, of Kársnesskolí, Kópavógur, has run many Storyline courses for teachers in recent years and in 1997 and 1999 helped to solve a programming problem with a rather ingenious course design. Two Scottish tutors, each partnered by an Icelandic tutor, were invited to give courses. On Monday and Tuesday each pair gave a Storyline 1 course to 35 teachers. On the Wednesday two new Storyline 2 courses were started, taught only by the two Scottish tutors while the two Icelanders finished the Storyline 1 courses. On Thursday and Friday the Storyline 2 courses were completed with the paired teams again. Each course was therefore able to have three days with the middle day overlapping.