Gisela Ehlers who is based in the IQSH Neumünster (a teacher training institute) is an experienced tutor and adviser on the teaching of English in primary and secondary school in Germany. Over many years she has been adapting ideas from the Storyline approach for this work. As a prolific author and editor she has produced many articles about her experiences, encouraging teachers to use this contextual process.
To develop this work and supported by several of her publishers including Domino, Spectra and Schroedel/Diesterweg Gisela invited Steve Bell to join her on a course tour in several German States. Over the period 2nd to 10th May workshop courses were presented in Halle (Sachsen Anhalt) , Hamburg, Dresden, Burg Altena, near Dortmund (Nord Rhein Westfalen), and in Neumünster (Schleswig-Holstein). The teachers involved responded with great enthusiasm and interest which we hope will be translated into excitement and success in the classrooms. As there were participants from primary schools as well as from secondary schools it was highly interesting that both groups see the method as a help in the transmitting process.