On Wednesday, the 14th of April, 35 Norwegian educators from Askollen skole, Drammen, Norway visited the American Community School, Cobham, England. The purpose of their visit was to learn about effective teaching strategies including Storyline. Rebecca Plaskitt hosted their visit sharing about a current historical Storyline, multiple uses of math manipulatives, and ideas for teaching reading and writing. The photos show the Norwegian teachers participating in these activities. In addition, the guests were introduced to our art program as well as our special needs and guidance program. The ACS presenters included Mrs. Pike, a 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Meadows, the art teacher and Mrs. Walker-Williams, the guidance counselor. Everyone enjoyed a beautiful spring day as they ate lunches, toured the school and took photos. Anne-Margrete Marthinsen, Head of Askollenskole, presented our school with several Norwegian children’s books that will be added to the International languages section of our school library. This opportunity to exchange educational ideas was a benefit for all the teachers involved.