The fourth transnational meeting of a Comenius Project entitled Creative Dialogues was held in the Buchanan Arms Hotel, Drymen, Scotland, from 20th to 24th April 2005. This group is engaged in developing Storylines for use in the second language teaching of English and German. The partners of the project Gisela Ehlers (Coordinator), IQSH, Kiel, Germany; Heini-Marja Jarvinen, University of Turku, Finland; Dr. Mieczystawa Materniak, Akademia im Jana, Poland; Verna Brandford, University of London, UK, and Katrin Harder, Senatsverw. F. Bildung, were joined by Martina Kankowski, Germany, and visiting experts Prof. Dr Werner Bleyhl, Germany, Dr Ivanka Kamburova-Milanova and Dr Daniela Stoytcheva, Bulgaria, together with Sallie Harkness and Steve Bell, Storyline Scotland. The seminar proved to be very informative as a sharing experience. The members would be interested to hear from Storyline practitioners who are second language teachers.