by Cecilie Falkenberg & Karsten Enggaard
This is number 6 in the series of Storyline topic books published by Kroghs Forlag. Two very experienced Storyliners, Cecilie & Karsten have designed this new topic on a CAFE aiming at Mathematics and Danish curriculum for Classes 1 to 4. Karsten is the leader of CAND (Center for Anvendt Naturfagsdidaktik) and was previously a teacher in Folkeskole and consultant in Mathematics working in the Teachers Centre in Vejle Amt. He also has a long experience of working in the Danish Teachers’ University now known as Jysk CVU. Cecilie has been very involved in using Storyline for the teaching of literacy. She was joint editor of Storylinebogen, the teachers’ book, published by Kroghs Forlag in 2000 and was the organiser of the first two International Storyline Conferences held in Aalborg in 2000 and in Elsinore in 2003.