Although there were probably many previous occasions when Danish Storyline tutors had been involved in that country, a workshop course organised by Jørgen Frost, a Dane now working in the Bredtvet Kompetansessenter in Oslo, was the first time that the author and his Danish colleague Cecilie Falkenberg had been involved in Norway. This two-day course given in the summer of 1997 created much interest, has become an annual event. In May of 2001 a workshop course was arranged specially for the staff of the Language Impairment department of the centre. The participants generally work with individual clients and so it will be interesting to see how the Storyline ideas can be adapted to cope with this rather special circumstance.
The visits to Bredtvet also led to a new series of courses being run with Baerum Education Authority. These were organised by Jorunn Tweita, a local authority adviser.
Link to websiteVestfold College of Education has become a Storyline centre through the interest and enthusiasm of a team of lecturers led by Liv Torunn Eik who published the first Norwegian book on the methodology in the Spring of 1999. This group paid a study visit to Glasgow in the Autumn of 1998.
A group from the college is also organising a one-week long educational visit to Scotland in the Autumn of 2001 with the intention that, if successful, this could become an annual event.
Ringstabekk School in Oslo has been a project school, taking students from 13 to 16 years, since the 70s. After two members of staff had visited a Storyline course in Oslo in 1997 the whole staff were brought on a study tour to Edinburgh where they experienced a Storyline planning weekend. Elin Bonde the headteacher and Knut Aage Teigen a teacher, have been instrumental in experimenting with the methodology in its use with older students. A consultancy visit in May 2001 showed just how far the staff has succeeded in implementing Storyline ideas.