As has been written in my introduction to this homepage Scotland is the home of Storyline. It was designed over thirty years by the Staff Tutor Team of the Inservice Department of Jordanhill College of Education which became the Faculty of Education for the University of Strathclyde in the mid 90s.
Many lecturers and teachers still use aspects of Storyline in their daily work but as a model it has become more difficult to use in the primary school because of changes in curriculum advice. More emphasis is being placed in recent years on content and on the ability to measure progress. This has led to more separation of subject matter and to more time spent on testing.
At the first International Storyline Conference in Aalborg, Denmark, held in November 2000, which I chaired, three other Scots played a major role in presenting papers and in giving courses. These were Sallie Harkness, previously a Staff Tutor in the Jordanhill Inservice Team and now a consultant, Barbara Frame, a lecturer in Curriculum Studies at Moray House Institute, University of Edinburgh and Ian Barr, recently retired Director of Curriculum for the Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum. Their contributions were highly regarded and added greatly to the success of the conference.