From Knut Aage Teigen, Ringstabekk school, Oslo
It was a cold morning in November. The residents of Rainbow Street were in shock. “What had happened during the night in this peaceful street? Who would do such a terrible thing?” On the window of the grocer’s big red painted letters were screaming “Immigrants = Parasites”. In the days to come suspiciousness ruled the street. During this Storyline of the daily life and incidents in Rainbow Street the pupils of class 9B at Ringstabekk skole in Norway are confronted with common attitudes, challenges and prejudices of our modern multicultural society. In their article for Klikk, a magazine published by the Norwegian Board of Education two 15-year-old students Marianne Hessan and Ole Bolstad tell in a lively way about the Storyline from the perspective of the pupils. They tell about the incidents, the concert they gave and what they learned from it.