Message from Ylva Lundin, Storyline Consultant
Last week I had a wonderful experience. There was an international conference called “Learning to change our world” on the initiative of our Prime minister Göran Persson. The delegates should visit schools that work with sustainable development and Kärrdalsskolan was choosen for one group. They have used the Storyline “Commuter Karl” for grade 3 to 5. Seven delegates from Brazil, India, Zambia, Sweden and Macedonia came to the school. Gunilla Fransson from the Traffic and Public Transport Authorities started with a short presentation of their work. Then I told them about what Storyline is and a little about what they where going to see. Thereafter the children took over and guided the delegates in English and Portuguese. The delegates were told what they have been working with and were shown the work including video films and radio programmes made by the children. All films and programmes where translated into English by the children so that the delegates would understand. The children were very serious and they did a fantastic job especially if you consider that they only have studied English for two years. Thereafter the delegates where taken for a walk in the surroundings by the teachers so they could discuss the work with them. One good thing is that “Commuter-Karl” is already translated into English so that the delegates could get a copy ofthe topic outline in their hands.