The purpose of this book is to provide background information to Storyline, its philosophy, approach and practical application. Planning grids are provided suggesting ideas for Storyline topics. These can be adapted to meet the needs of the children and the focus of the learning. They include details of the episodes, key questions, activities, organisation, resources, skills and linked assessment.
Within the context of Storyline, there are opportunities for assessment, reflection, professional dialogue and working collaboratively with other colleagues.
The contents include:
Chapter 1 Background to Storyline
Storyline: theory into practice
The important features of Storyline
Chapter 2 Storyline planning
The classroom climate
Decision making and evaluation
Storyline and curriculum design: breadth and balance
The Storyline planning grid
Creating exciting learning and teaching environments and having fun!
Chapter 3 Assessment
Improving learning through assessment
Assessing skills
Chapter 4 Four Storyline topics
1. The Wildlife Garden KS 0/1 and early KS2
2. The Healthy Café KS 2
3. The Bead, Bag, Box and Card Company KS 2/3
4. Our Eco- Home KS 2/3
Chapter 5 Storyline evaluations
Mary Queen of Scots KS 2
Children’s and teachers’ views on Storyline
Chapter 6 Being a reflective practitioner
Appraising teaching
Working with other colleagues
Chapter 7 A whole school approach
Carrying out the Storyline
Staff development
It has given me great pleasure to write this book. I hope that it will provide ideas and support.
I would like to thank Steve Bell and Sallie Harkness for their inspiration and encouragement.
About the author
Carol Omand is an educational consultant for Storyline Scotland. She is a member of the Golden Circle of Storyline practitioners. She has 38 years’ experience in education including from nursery to upper primary school, lecturing at Strathclyde University for Initial Teacher Training and being Head teacher of two primary schools. She has written and delivered workshops for a number of commercial educational companies and conducted Storyline staff development in the UK, Denmark and Germany for primary and secondary colleagues. Carol always puts the child at the centre in all that she does.
The book is published by The United Kingdom Literacy Association (
Ideas in Practice series number 7
ISBN: 978 1 897638 78 1
UKLA c/o University of Leicester
University Road
Leicester LE1 7RH