Teachers Across Borders, TAB
- Started in Aspen, USA 2002
- First workshop 2004
- TAB Australian 2006
- Sweden participated 2008
- TAB Sweden started 2010
- TAB Sweden/USA 13 workshops 2013
Teachers Across Borders makes a difference in the lives of children by improving the effectiveness of their education.
To improve the quality of teaching that directly impacts student learning through professional development by using effective strategies, materials, and resources.
Education changes the world.
- Education integrates across cultures
- Collaborative teaching and learning
- Honouring teacher professionalism and leadership
- Cultural appreciation, respect, and understanding
Goals for TAB´s workshops
- Empowering teachers to try new things
- Teaching that learning does not occur in isolation – that teachers should engage in collaborative and/or shared learning
- Providing teachers with tools to teach collaboratively within a somewhat rigid framework
- Creating a class-room mission statement
- Teaching goal-setting (individual goals, daily goals, and classroom goals)
Examples of workshops year 2013
- Hands on Math – A Light-hearted Approach to Mathematics
- The Teacher as a Leader – Leadership for Classroom Teacher
- Development through Cooperative Learning
- Easy Science Experiments
- Early Literacy Reading and Writing
- Improving Questions to Improve Learning
- Storyline Method: River families a cross-curriculum topic with focus on Water and Health
More information about TAB
Presentation PDF
If you want to know more please contact. Mait Adegård or Karin Andrén mait.adegard@stockholm.se> or karin.andren@stockholm.se